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Padfone vs Notebook/Netbook for students?
Moderators: Marc Schattorie, ctys2ard, oroo708, JHS_NL, RaithK, allram, Frits
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Wed Mar 06 2013, 04:20pm
Registered Member #9
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what do you guys have to say about the topic? its open for any padfone.
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Wed Mar 06 2013, 05:33pm
Registered Member #2
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I've told this story several times on several forums (including this one)...

But here I go again

So I went to college about 4 years ago, and at the time I had an HP ProBook 4510s (Intel Dual Core @ 2.1GHz, 4GB DDR2) pretty nice laptop...
At the end of the second college year I bought myself an Asus Transformer TF101 (which is pretty much the same as the PF1, and the PF1 is better in a lot of ways imo)...
So when I started my third year in college, I COMPLETLY replaced my HP with the TF...

Advantages over my notebook:
-The detachable keyboard is great, if I needed to read something, I could just take it off and get comfortable
-NO WORRIES ABOUT BATTERY, Itlasted the entire day, we even played games on it during breaks and during... well just during the breaks

Only thing I have to add to this is that, as an IT manager/engineer I have my own servers to do heavy stuff like virtualisation of systems (which was required in class), and I also connected to my home PCs to use the full blown Microsoft Office (I did also use Polaris Office a lot, but sometimes it just didn't work for about 20% of the tasks), so I did cheat a little, but I never used any other device than my TF in class for that entire year

At the end of the third year I bought the PF1, so I never really used that one in class since the last 6 montsh were internship, but like I said before, the PF1 is pretty much the same as the TF, but better!
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Thu Mar 07 2013, 05:14pm
Registered Member #356
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Since PF Infinity was announced I had the same question in my mind, and I have not yet made a decision, but I will post few things I figured out.
in UK FP2 is about 600GBP and because infinity is 1k Euro I was considering goint with a phone + other device combo
for 280GBP you cn get Nexus 4 (same hardware as PF 2 with exception of camera), so phone settled.

As for note taking

Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2 (only crappy BT keyboard available, digitizer so hand writting should be easy, cheap, Intel Atom, battery should manage a day of studying).

ASUS Vivo Tab (TF801) - Intel Atom, proper transformer-like keyboard with extra battery (both easily manage whole day of working from what I have heard), digitizer (handwritting), more expensive than Lenovo, fewer ports.

And the kick-ass option that is in preorder and there are no rewievs
Kupa x15 - i5/i7, active digitizer (requires charging - no idea how frequently), battery should be ok for average day if not you can replace it, 16:10 1080p screen, keyboard with even more ports, battery, but no touchpad. It has a modular design, but no modules are oficially announced (they say they maight try things like a simple scanner, card readers, projectors etc., but nothing official).

I know it sounds like I am complaining, but lets face it for a proce of PF Infinity you can have Nexus 4 and any of the above devices.

I was considering using my desktop to do all heavy computing (I am moving to uni next year), how well does that work (I am not IT person, but I am not dumb) and are there any issuer with doing things remotely over locally (skipping obvious like data usage) and lastly what things won't work if I were to do something like you do?
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