We recommend using the OTA (Over The Air) update option of the Padfone Infinity itself, use this article only if you know what you're doing.
This article contains instructions on how to install different firmwares on your New Padfone Infinity (A86), and a list of official firmware packages, official upgrade packages and custom ROMs for the Padfone.
Upgrade packages (FOTA): BE CAREFULL! If you flash the wrong firmware upgrade, you can damage the firmware on the Padfone permanently! Please check in your system settings which firmware version number and version region you have.
CHT - Taiwan No upgrade packages available...
TW - Taiwan No upgrade packages available...
New Padfone Infinity Station firmware updates: No New Padfone Infinity Statoin packages available...
Custom ROMs: Recovery No custom packages available...
How to install? First, make sure you have the firmware (*.zip) file in the root of your Padfone's flash memory. Also, make sure that the Padfone is fully charged, and connected to a power source. If you're downgrading or changing the firmware region by using a full firmware package, we would recommend using the wipe feature before you apply the update.
1. Undock the Padfone. 2. Power off the Padfone. 3. Hold down the volume down button, keep holding it, and press the power button. Now you will enter the first menu. 4. Press the power button to enter "download mode". 5. Select the second option to install from an external SD card. 6. Wait for the installation to complete, depending on the update, your device will reboot automatically, or you have to select the reboot option manually when it appears.