Asus keeps postponing the release date of the Jelly Bean update for the first generation Padfone. But according to Asus Finland, every region (almost every SKU) will get the update to Android 4.1 by the end of Q1.
Asus Finland wrote ...
Dear PadFonen,
We are pleased to announce that the major update of the software-Android will soon be available on the original 4.1 Jelly Bean PadFonelle. The update is done by region, so that by the end of Q1 update operation is completed.
Thank you for your continued support.
Update: According to Asus Italy, the Jelly Bean update will roll out to the first regions on February 6. They also mentioned a couple of release notes:
Asus Italy wrote ...
-Upgrade to Android 4.1.1 -Improved Dictionary Instant -Improved the preview function of the camera -Improved Clipboard -Improved File Management
The update will roll out via the OTA feature of your Padfone, and will be available on the Asus website soon after.
One of the members on our forums reported that Asus Finland posted about some Padfone 2 accessories on their facebook page. But no-one seems to know where and when they will be available.
In a reply to Padfone Club, Asus Taiwan told us that these accessories should be available by next month in Taiwan, and that they can be purchased in their Service Centers.
They couldn't tell any exact dates, and also said that the release dates for other countries are different. But we think they can be expected soon after.
Asus Taiwan wrote ...
Taiwan is expected to begin in February selling Padfone2 Accessories. You can buy in Taiwan service center. Padfone2 Accessories selling time are different in each country.
It has been pretty quiet on our news page for about a month now, but don't worry, we're still working hard for the community. This post contains some of the highlights that couldn't make the news page on their own.
Today another OTA update was released for Padfone 2's with the TW SKU, the new firmware version is It is said that it should improve system stability. A changelog is not available yet. We suggest to follow this forum thread for more information.
Yesterday, several news sites reported that Asus might be working on a Windows 8/Windows RT Padfone. Back in October, even before the Padfone 2 announcement we reported this already, but it was not very clear. This time someone from Asus reported that Asus is working on such a device to Wall Street Journal.
The first generation Padfone is not forgotten by Asus, the Jelly Bean update should be released somewhere in February, so stay tuned!
Padfone Club did also get some minor updates. We improved our DDS List and added a search feature to allow you to search the entire website.
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Padfone 2 firmware: HK get's JB today, Taiwan get's second JB update tomorrow
Padfone Club members wrote yesterday that the Padfone 2's with the HK SKU will get the upgrade to Jelly Bean today. It has been confirmed that the update has in fact rolled out already.
The Taiwanese Padfone 2's will get their second update to Jelly Bean tomorrow according to the Asus Taiwan facebook page. The version number of this upgrade will be V10.4.7.10, and should be rleased over the OTA feature of your Padfone 2. Click on read more for the changelog of this firmware version.
Some of you might have noticed the last poll, the question was "What about a Padfone Wiki?".
The idea was started by the Padfone Club admins, and we thought that it would be a good idea to give it a shot.
38.4% of the voters voted for the first option "I would love to contribute to a Padfone Wiki!". 58.4% voted that they would like to have a Wiki page to get more information about this Padfone devices. The remaining 3.2% voted for "It's a stupid idea!". Lets prove them that they were wrong and lets make this Wiki a great place for everyone who is interested in the Padfone devices.
We've added a link to the Wiki in our main menu, but you can also reach it directly by visiting
We're working hard to fill the Wiki with all the information that we got, but the Wiki is most dependent on you!
The Padfone 2 has gotten the update to Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) today. The update is rolling out via an OTA update feature of the Padfone 2. The new version number for the TW versions of the Padfone 2 is
The overal interface hasn't been changed a lot. But the new notifications and several other Jelly Bean features are confirmed to be included, like for example the new Google Now feature.
The camera and Padfone 2 Station both also got an update to version 50157 and 8309-p32a-017-C00010008-1016.
According to the official Asus Taiwan facebook page, the Padfone 2 will get an update to Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) in Mid-December. There is no information about the Jelly Bean update on the first generation Padfone yet. One of the commenters of this post says that Asus Finland wrote that Jelly Bean for the first generation Padfone will be expected at the beginning of next year.
They also posted this video which shows some people playing with the white Padone 2 which should be released anytime soon, but Asus does not pin an exact date.
Asus Benelux confirmed that the PadFone 2 will be released in The Netherlands. "We expect to release the PadFone 2 to Dutch stores around Christmas", says "Ruud" from the Asus Benelux facebook page. When asks about this, they get a respons from Cindy Duyster which tells them, she confirms the story. However, she couldn't tell a specific date, adn she also tells that the Christmas "is only an indication".
According to Digitimes, the Padfone is already sold about 25.000 to 30.000 times. Asus expects that they will sell about 150.000 Padfone 2's. The white version seems to be a limited edition version according the the Taiwanese facebook page of Asus.
As a last note we would like to add that a third generation Padfone is expected to be released in Q3 2013.
A Taiwanese developer created an app to allow Padfone users to assign different launchers for Phone and Pad mode.
The app is pretty simple, when you start it, you have the choice to assign any installed launcher to either the Padfone, or the Padfone Station.
The app should work on both, the Padfone and the Padfone 2. No root is required to use this app, but you have to make sure that it is checked in the Dynamic Display Switching (DDS) List.
Update, November 25: The developer updated the Padfone Launcher Switcher today and a lot of the reported issues seem to be solved. The app is now a launcher itself and has to be set as the default launcher. After this is done, the app will handle the switching between your two preferred launchers.
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Padfone 2 to hit stores in Singapore on November 22
Asus announced that they will release the Padfone 2 in Singapore on November 22. The Padfone 2 will also be compatible with StarHub's LTE network.
Pre-orders for the Padfone 2 have already started. The 32GB and 64GB Padfone 2 models including the Padfone 2 Station (without data plan) will be sold for S$1,099 and S$1,239 respectively. The Asus PadFone 2 will be available at Asus retailers, SITEX computer show, and exclusively from StarHub from next Thursday.